New Zealand Dollar(NZD) To Pacific Franc(XPF)
This is the page of New Zealand Dollar (NZD) to Pacific Franc (XPF) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Pacific Franc(XPF) To New Zealand Dollar(NZD).
67.12824 XPF
Convert Pacific Franc To New Zealand Dollar
Exchange Rates Updated: Dec 03,2024 00:34 UTC
Full history please visit NZD/XPF History
Convert New Zealand Dollar(NZD) To Pacific Franc(XPF)
1 NZD = | 67.12824 XPF | 0.0149 NZD = | 1 XPF |
2 NZD = | 134.25649 XPF | 0.02979 NZD = | 2 XPF |
5 NZD = | 335.64122 XPF | 0.07448 NZD = | 5 XPF |
10 NZD = | 671.28244 XPF | 0.14897 NZD = | 10 XPF |
15 NZD = | 1006.92367 XPF | 0.22345 NZD = | 15 XPF |
20 NZD = | 1342.56489 XPF | 0.29794 NZD = | 20 XPF |
25 NZD = | 1678.20611 XPF | 0.37242 NZD = | 25 XPF |
50 NZD = | 3356.41222 XPF | 0.74484 NZD = | 50 XPF |
New Zealand Dollar(NZD) To Pacific Franc(XPF) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | New Zealand Dollar | Pacific Franc |
Tuesday 03/12/2024 | 1 NZD = | 67.14803 XPF |
Monday 02/12/2024 | 1 NZD = | 67.23676 XPF |
Sunday 01/12/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.5573 XPF |
Saturday 30/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.75628 XPF |
Friday 29/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 67.21996 XPF |
Thursday 28/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.63781 XPF |
Wednesday 27/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.8043 XPF |
Tuesday 26/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.56206 XPF |
Monday 25/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 66.3569 XPF |
Sunday 24/11/2024 | 1 NZD = | 67.09211 XPF |
Full history please visit NZD/XPF Exchange Rates History
Convert 1 New Zealand Dollar(NZD) to other currencies
Popular New Zealand Dollar(NZD) Pairing
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